Schedule Spring 2013

Atmospheric Sciences Informal Seminar Spring 2013

In the ASIS, we only allow interruptions that are to clarify a point that is required to understand the talk. This culture may differ from those in other seminars on campus. The reason why we established this policy is to encourage students to give talks in the ASIS that is joined with ATM688, a 1-credit class (see syllabus). If a seminar has a culture of permanent interruptions and discussion during the talk, it will be very unlikely that students will give talks and get the opportunity (and experience) to give a talk before their actual thesis defense. Students taking ATM688 do not have to attend seminars prior to the start or after the end of the semester. Students who plan to graduate next semester are encouraged to talks this seminar for credit and give a presentation so they gain experience in 45 minutes talks and a 15 minute discussioni or so for their defense. Students will get valuable feedback for their defense preparation when they take this seminar for credit. It is also recommended to sign up for credit in this seminar in your last semester.

Date Time Speaker, affiliation and title of the presentation Room
1-23-2013 17:30 Nicole Mölders, GI ASG, DAS CNSM, Clean air anyone? Schaible Auditorium
2-13-2013 13:30 Jackie Debevec, UAF Career Services, Tips for writing successful job search documents for industry and academia Akasofu 401
2-22-2013 13:30 Ketsiri Leelasakultum, GI, CNSM-DAS, Steps towards adaption of CMAQ for the State Implementation modeling model for The Fairbanks PM2.5 nonattainment area, Thesis proposal Globe Room
3-12-2013 to 3-13-2013 8:30 Alaska Weather Symposium, see separate schedule Elvey Auditorium and Globe Room
3-27-2013 13:30 Soumik Basu, IARC, CNSM-DAS, Response of Northern Hemisphere Storm Activity to Tropical Pacific SST and Arctic Sea Ice Forcing: Modeling Investigation Akasofu 401
4-10-2013 13:30 Igor Polyakov, IARC, CNSM-DAS, North Atlantic warming: Patterns of trend and variability Akasofu 401
4-24-2013 13:30 Robin Wing, GI, CNSM-DAS, Multi-sensor Calibration and Validation of the UWO-PCL Water Vapour LIDAR Globe Room
TBA 13:30 Matthew Gruber, GI-ASG and CNSM-DAS, Uncertainties in scintillometer measurements of large scale turbulent fluxes, MS thesis defense Akasofu 401

For further information or if you want to give a presentation in the Atmospheric Sciences Informal Seminar please contact the coordinator of the Atmospheric Sciences Informal Seminar Nicole Mölders, phone: 474-7910, email: